Sunday, September 23, 2007

Presence Like John Woo

Remember the “Replacement Killers” by John Woo. “Shoot em up” is much like a western movie with guns blazing and running horses. But this one has an urban setting and cars. Again, BMW makes a point with Clive Owen, as Mr. Smith, on the wheel. His car out runs and outperforms all other cars, specially a Benz.

All throughout the movie, Smith, with is carrot sticks and 9 mm. shoot his way through the city. According to a fan website, he kills around 100 of the bad guys led Mr. Hertz, (Paul Giamatti). Monica Belluci plays Donna Quintano, a prostitute who helps take care of the movie, whose mother is killed in the first scene.

The website Worstpreviews says, "...the studio has screened it at several places with an overall audience response that it is nothing more than a big shoot-out....While many people do not see anything wrong with this, the problem is that the script started off with the shoot-outs and then had a plot thrown into it, and not the other way around."

Another website says 100 goones were killed by Smith in the movie.

Shoot 'Em Up is a written and directed by Michael Davis (Monster Man) and produced by Susan Montford and Don Murphy. Photos courtesy of New Line Cinema.

If you like John Woo movies, this one makes the good guys look even more exciting. Chief said, “Probably, Clive wanted to make a Bond-type of movie,” as we saw a shoot-out in the sky as Clive and the bad guys parachute-out of an airplane.

Between Daniel Craig and Clive Owen, I would say, Clive would have made a much better James Bond. And his short scene as Agent 007 in the "Pink Panther" makes the point and this Shoot em up places an exclamation mark!

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